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Resolved! STM32 pwm signal and reverse of it

The MCU I use is STM32F103C8 and I need 2 PWM signals that complete each other to %100 duty cycle. ( ie: PWM1=%60 and PWM2 =%40 ). When one PWM channel is high the other one needs to be low and vice versa.The important part is, these two PWM signals ...

GunkutA by Senior
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Resolved! HAL_HRTIM_IRQHandler duration is very long

Hello I have NUCLEO-G474RE running at 170Mhz (24Mhz HSE [div 6] [mul 85] [div 2]) .I am using Master and TimA $ TimC hrtimer as PWM for SMPS running at 100kHz (10uS).I want to check how much available time for me if I interrupt every period and updat...

STM32H7 not entering main while(1) loop

Hello,I know, this problem might require a careful look into the code but I would like to ask for advice about where to start from.Basically my problem is that the code does not enter in the while(1). I have the impression that this problem arised wh...

Mdi c by Associate III
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USART6 bare metal setup correct?I am not getting output.

Hi there.I have been trying to configure this USART6 on my STM32F401RE board as 9600 and Async.But I just can't seem to figure out what I am doing wrong? I am not using the HAL for this project.I really just want to get an example of how to use the U...

CMcC.1 by Associate II
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Hello everyone!I am trying to copy RAM data to FLASH. I am using STM32L412KB evaluation module. I have made a USB of my own. I am able to talk over the USB. It's a 34Kb mass storage device. I can make a .txt file and store it but, every time I connec...

Anonymous by Associate II
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