STM32 MCUs Products

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STM32H7 IWDG is not disabled after software reset.

My application requires to be started without watchdog enabled (don't ask why). But it seems that once enabled, after a software reset the IWDG continues to run, and if not treated in time causes to another reset. Note that the "Hardware watchdog�? ...

mmari.14 by Associate
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STM32 ADC power supply

Customer asks me to use STM32 powered from 3.3V with ADC reference 3.3V too (different source). So there is two possibel topologies:Connect VDD and VDDA, use precision source for VREFConnect VDDA and VREF to precision source, VDD connect to standard ...

LSind.1 by Associate
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How to use 1 channel encoder on STM32F103?

Hello, I'm using STM32F103 on CUBE MX, when I used an encoder which has only 1 channel, nothing was added to encoder register. I get data from this function: __HAL_TIM_GET_COUNTER(&htim3). So does it has any different when we config encoder mode with...

Export restrictions on STM32 MCUs?

I ordered a bunch of STM32L443CCU6 chips from element14. I got an email from them saying that there are export restrictions on the chips. I’m based in India. How do I get these chips now?