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How to defined Data content inside a Lib but not used by the lib and link this data in Flash memory where i want ? See detail description for more informations

Hello,I try to construct a project but i don't achieve to do what i want.My MCU is an STM32G070CB an I use MDK Essential 5.28 (Flex) Version: with Compiler V6.12.I explain my need :In my projet, my memory space is coomposed of a boot part an...

NLE F.1 by Associate II
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overwritting existing data in the flash memory

Hello,I have never done this so please be patient haha - I need to store around 10 float numbers into the flash memory - I will do this in the last memory sector. The problem that I have is that I can write & read to the flash but if i want to overwr...

retro by Associate III
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Dividing flash sectors on stm32f746

Hi,Is there any way to divide flash sectors into smaller parts? I have to store data into the flash and want to be able to delete it when I want. Currently, I am using two sectors for that purpose and when I want to erase some data copying whole data...

STM32 Secure boot firmware keys

Hi,I am looking to implement a secure boot system into an application. My product will only be updated OTA.I understand that when a firmware is written i need to hash it and create a digest and then sign it and add it to the hex file payload.Along wi...

CEagl.1 by Associate III
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Internal PU/PD setting on PA8 of STM32G070RB

Hi,Now, we use STM32G070RB.Please let me make clear about internal PU/PD resistor setting on PA8.Although we set internal PU res from GPIOA_PUPDR, measured voltage is near 0V at this port.We found this is because the PD res that is set by SYSCFG_CFGR...

FYUJI.1 by Associate II
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built in pull up resistor

i'm thinking about interfacing DHT11 or DHT22 (AM2302) thing i noted about both of them...

andrewg by Associate III
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