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Reducing DAC jitter

Hi,I'm writing data to a 24 bit register of an AD5664 DAC from an STM32F429 discovery board which I am using to produce sinewaves and slower sawtooth ramps. The full loop lasts approximately 200000 bytes which gives sufficient resolution over all wav...

SSmit.0 by Associate II
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speed of execution - pin change seems too slow

I just got a simple program running on my STM32f0301k6. I am running the clock off a 20MHz crystal and the core is running off the PLL x 2 so everything is running at 40MHz. This means one cycle executes in 25nS, but if I write a loop like GPIOB->...

deep_rune by Associate III
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SAI DMA Data transmit fails on STM32H745 Discovery board

Hi,I have configured DMA and SAI interface as below.void HAL_SAI_MspInit(SAI_HandleTypeDef* hsai){ GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct;/* SAI2 */  if(hsai->Instance==SAI2_Block_A)  {  /* Peripheral clock enable */  if (SAI2_client == 0)  {    __HAL_RCC_...

NKadi.1 by Associate
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Changing default parameters of main()

I've got an application where the main() function needs to be non-standard. In older version of GCC this wasn't an issue but the newer versions seem to have changed somethingI need:void main(long long int *c, long long int *b)but GCC is overriding th...

PMath.4 by Senior III
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Wifi is not connecting with the board B-L475E-IOT01A.

Hello Team,i have flashed B-L475E-IOT01A-WiFi-Bridge-S2LP binary into the B-L475E-IOT01A board and then it asked to enter the input ssid , password and security type. i given all correct value but we are getting the response like "Given SSID not F...

JC.1 by Associate
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Output Compare Formula [STM32H7]

I'm using TIM5CH3 to toggle an I/O, but AN4013 doesn't list a formula for the Output Compare, so I'm using the Timer Base Generator in Section 2.2: Update_event = TIM_CLK/((PSC + 1)*(ARR + 1)*(RCR + 1))With TIM5 CLK of 60Mhz, Prescaler 60-1, and ARR ...

bnguy.1 by Associate III
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Cannot connect to Nucleo G031K8 via ST Link

I just bought a STM32G031K8 Nucleo, and when I connect it to ST-Link through Normal mode, the device is not recognized. It hangs, and ST Link throws the error shown in the picture. There should be a problem with Reset because it says it cannot rese...

0693W000001sA32QAE.png 0693W000001sA37QAE.png
xpp07 by Senior
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