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STM32F429 eMMC driver [SDIO CRC CMD/DATA Error]

I connect STM32F429 with an eMMC NAND via SDIO interface(CLK CMD & DAT0).​This initialization sequence for eMMC should be CMD0, CMD1(wait OCR bit31), CMD2, CMD3, CMD9, .....​The eMMC driver is tested ok on STM32F103 system, including init, read, writ...

ZChen.1 by Associate
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B-G431B-ESC1 20vdc Max?

Oddly the on board NFETS are rated 60v, why only 20v input? Can we safely go to +48vdc, if not why? Our motor driven FW the voltage does not go above Vbus.Is FOC space vector 7 phase or 5 phase switched? Thanks

BFalcon by Associate II
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Resolved! How to enable GPIO inputs for INTERRUPT MODE ?

The H745 Datasheet says General-purpose input/outputs : Up to 168 I/O ports with interrupt capabilityYet, every pin I select as GPIO (ex. PORTC.13 (PIN E3)), only lists INPUT or OUPUT options, but no Interrupt mode.If I bypass the Stm32CubeIde 1.3.1'...

bnguy.1 by Associate III
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Stm32h7 vddldo on non bga packages

Hello, I was looking for an stm32h7 part where I could provide voltage to the internal ldo from a vddldo pin to achieve lower power consumption using an external smps. I'm looking at the h743 lineup but cannot find any package with such exposed pin e...

AAnci.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! I am usinng STM32H7 nucleo board. I want to generate 20KHz pwm wave. How can I control the resolution (that is a value from 0-10000 that corresponds to 0-100%)?

 So I adjusted the ARR and Prescalar values to adjust the pwm frequency(20KHz). Timer Clock is 200MHzI want to change the resolution in the run time with a function. How can I change it?Changing the ARR value will change the resolution?Thanks in adva...

VRapa by Associate II
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