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HelloI am trying to delay a 1Hz digital signal.I would like to generate a delay varying from a few microseconds to 10 ms.I tried to use ETR, TI1_ED and PWM input but I didn't manage to found out how to do.Does anyone has an idea on how to proceed?Bes...
HelloI found this article of ST about an LCA of a microcontroller: it possible ...
HelloI want to add a 32kHz crystal on a F411 discovery board for the LSE.On the schematics, X2 has the value XTAL_32K_20PPM but is not fitted.Does someone has some hints for choosing the right crystal ?Bests
Hi I cannot connect to my Nucleo STM32F429ZI using STM32CubeIDE, the error message is: STMicroelectronics ST-LINK GDB server. Version 5.2.3Copyright (c) 2019, STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved.Starting server with the following options:       P...
HelloWhen I try to connect to my Nucleo board, I have the following message:Error in initializing ST-LINK device.Reason: (4) No device found on target.I think I have this error message because I didn't disconnect the board physically before upgrading...
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