Three comparators are fed with three currents of each leg. we want to stop the PWM of concerned leg whenever the current goes beyond the set value of DAC.
I know I can't use BREAK here, but I want some kind of hardware functionality to facilitate this. This feature is useful for PFC as well as Motor control application, specially in Current mode control. I looked in the manual in depth but no feature m...
I am using STM32G431C8. Yes 3 DAC outputs are used in Comparator.In my 3phase inverter, I am using Timer 1, CH1,CH1N,CH2,CH2N,CH3,CH3N as PWM for 3 legs of Full bridge topology. The current of each leg is being sensed and also fed to a comparator. No...
@Kraal Yes I am looking for that option also, but it would be an advantage to know if there is anything like st-link available for this type of board.