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Associate III

Hello dear experts,

I am trying to send a binary 32bits over the uart3 using either HAL_UART3_Transmit (polling, It or DMA).

1- sending roughly the 32bits with a length of 4 in the function parameters does not work.

2 -sorting the 32bits data in a 8bits array with >> and & and passing the array @ with a lenth of 4 does not work.

3- using a loop and sending the 4 bytes one by one with a length of 1 works whatever the mode but maybe the most efficient considering the time.

4- the following code sends correctly 3 bytes out of 4... the last one is corrupted. Dont understand why, on the scope, 81 appears as 08

uint32_t data = 0x815533AA;

uint8_t dataArray[4];

dataArray[0] = data & 0x000000FF;

dataArray[1] = (data & 0x0000FF00) >> 8;

dataArray[2] = (data & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;

dataArray[3] = (data & 0xFF000000) >> 24;

HAL_UART_Transmit_DMA(&huart3, (uint8_t*)dataArray, 4);

NB: the last byte is always 0x08 whatever the value; i am using DAM1 stream3 mode normal data with byte for peripheral and memory.

I think i am missing an important point in DMA transfers....

Thanks for your help.



Include your part number.

Don't send local variables out through DMA. Since DMA operates asynchronously, the variables go out of scope before it completes. Use a global array, or otherwise ensure the array remains valid until DMA is complete.

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Associate III

Thanks TDK, Got it! excellent suggestion ! I thought that DMA transfer were faster. Do you think I also need to check the function returned value and also the serial state ?



> I thought that DMA transfer were faster.

The UART speed is constant. Using DMA just means it goes on in the background while your CPU is off doing other things.

> Do you think I also need to check the function returned value and also the serial state ?

I would. Easy enough to do and it can help you find bugs faster than if you let the function fail silently.

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Associate III

Using the global variables as proposed, it worked correctly at speed around 961Kbits/s on uart3 but when I try to increase the baud rate up to 1.843Mbits/s the last byte is corrupted. I also noticed that the returned value of HAL_UART_Transmit_DMA() is correct but testing the uart status stays stuck in the while loop....

while (HAL_UART_GetState(&huart3) != HAL_UART_STATE_READY)



Any suggestion for both problems (speed and status)?

I thank you in advance.


Using the global variables as proposed, it worked correctly at speed around 961Kbits/s on uart3 but when I try to increase the baud rate up to 1.843Mbits/s the last byte is corrupted. I also noticed that the returned value of HAL_UART_Transmit_DMA() is correct but testing the uart status stays stuck in the while loop....

while (HAL_UART_GetState(&huart3) != HAL_UART_STATE_READY)



Any suggestion for both problems (speed and status)?

I thank you in advance.



I would find a HAL example using DMA UART and go from there.

The State should get changed back in the DMA complete interrupt.

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dear TDk,

i can se ethat the uart3 state is HAL_UART_STATE_BUSY_TX and appaarently it never switches to HAL_UART_STATE_READY so I stay stuck in the isr callback and no data is sent. Not testing that value produces a corrupted last byte on the uart3. Is there any speed problem with uart3 to your knowledge.

