User Activity

Touchgfx does not work for me, I get the pixelated screen I use stm32cubeide 1.4.0 it does not work for me download version 1.2.0 and also download TouchGFX V4.14 and nothing, change the version ==> V4.13 and still some help friend , I hope you can h...
I rely mainly on the example of WiFi_HTTP_Server stm32F413H-Discovery but it no longer works, the web page fell, I do not know where I am wrong, if in the response times I have it wrong or I pointed to the wifi module I use stm32cubeideI implemented ...
When I connect the development board stm32h7b3i-dk to the pc through the usb to tera to use the wifi module (ISM43340-M4G-L44-10 CF), what baud rates are I have to put or what is the configuration, nothing appears in the serial communication?Do you k...