Resolved! I Ordered few free samples
I ordered few free samples on 1st August. But still my order is showing processing I have no idea is that cancelled or how long it will take to ship. can anyone from st help me? It will be a great help
I ordered few free samples on 1st August. But still my order is showing processing I have no idea is that cancelled or how long it will take to ship. can anyone from st help me? It will be a great help
Hi everyone,I'm encountering a problem with my STM32 project where I need to use both LTDC for display and audio playback (via FATFS). The issue seems to stem from a conflict in clock configurations.My setup: MCU = STM32F469i-DiscoThe problemWhen...
hi I'm going to store JPEG data in an array and then decode itI'm using H7A3ZI-Q for the board uint16_t outdatabuffer [65535] ={0};JPEG_Decode_DMA(&JPEG_Handle,(uint32_t)frameBuffer,bufferPointer , outdatabuffer);I used this code, but only 0 was save...
Greetings,We are currently using NUCLEO64 MB1814(STM32H503RB) in our application in which when configuring GPIOs in PORT A and integrating it with data pulses, the following error occurs stating the target device not responding. The data pulses are o...
Dear all, in my application I want to send constantly data to an external I2C device in DMA mode. For this I use the function HAL_I2C_Mem_Write_DMA. I have my ADCs and SPI correctly working with DMA but with the I2C I get the error I2C_DMAError in t...
Hi I want to improve the FPS of TFT when using SPI interface.I use SPI+DMA+QuadSPI PSRAM+QuadSPI Flash for now.I notice STM32L4P5RG has DMA2D.So can it use for SPI interface?Will it have any improvement when I refresh TFT?If it has, how to use it?
Hello. I've a problem regarding LSE On stm32l562xx mcu. Sometimes it boots, sometimes it doesn't "90 % of time it generates timeout Error" . and it takes too much time to boot up to 4 seconds. I've tried all your sdk initializations, also tried setti...
I find that flashing a program using openocd, STLink (using a Nucleo F446, or L474), to our custom board frequently fails when there is CAN bus activity. What is causing this?Our board has BOOT0 tied to ground. The SWD is gnd, data, clock, and connec...
Hello, everyone this is my first post here.I'm starting to learn Embedded Programming and I choose STM32F103C8T6 using Blue Pill development board. I'm trying to understand SPI communication, my goal is to read multiple input using 74HC165 IC. I'm ab...
I'm using the STM32G030C8 for one of my projects and i realize that in some cases the RTC stops when the power supply is up. While in VBAT supply the resonator works well and provide the correct date and time, but when i use the power supply the reso...