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Forum Posts

STM32H742 rev V ADC BOOST bits

Hello,I use STM32H742 rev V. In contrast to rev Y register ADCx->CR has two bits BOOST. I set both, because I want the highest ADC speed. But reading ADCx->CR back, with the debugger or in the running program reports only BOOST 0 set. What is wrong t...

TIM1 Dead time not working according manual

I use TIM1 as 3 Phase PWM for motor control. I need to adjust the dead time. But the dead time is not according the manual.My code for dead time:  TIM_BDTRInitStruct.OSSRState = LL_TIM_OSSR_ENABLE;  TIM_BDTRInitStruct.OSSIState = LL_TIM_OSSI_DISABLE;...

franz2 by Associate III
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Debugging STM32F7xx target using J Link ultra+

Hello,I'm trying to connect J link ultra+ debugger to STM32F7xx target board. debugger is new(received yesterday) and I'm using it for first time. I can see it is detected in device manager as J link driver under USB. In STM32cubeIDE I've selected se...

AShel.1 by Associate III
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Questionable STM32F427

Last year I had a production run (built in China) of a board that uses a STM32F427 - 100 pin.This last spring I had another production order built (Feb to May) and the behavior of the part seems to be having timing related issues - same firmware.I to...

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Joe.H by Senior
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