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Hi. I was using STM32CubeIDE 1.14.0 until yesterday.Build Analyzer worked fine in 1.14.0, but after updating to 1.15.0 using the update feature provided by CubeIDE, nothing is displayed in Build Analyzer. The build was successful and the <project>.ma...
Hi.I am using SDMMC1-eMMC(16GB), SDMMC2-SD Card connected on a custom board.Both eMMCs and SD-Cards use FatFS as their file system.Both work fine when used alone.However, if you use f_open or f_write on FatFS on eMMC, you sometimes get an error and t...
Hi.A custom board was built using the STM32H753XI. The board contains 16MB SDRAM and we want to use it with an LTDC to display a screen on a TFT-LCD.I used the embedded wizard to create the UI and verified that it displays correctly on the LCD screen...
안녕.최근에 STM32H753XI를 사용하여 맞춤형 보드를 만들었습니다.보드의 초기 테스트를 위해 각 주변 장치에 대한 테스트를 실행하고 있습니다. 대부분의 경우 잘 작동하지만 SD 및 eMMC 사용에 문제가 있습니다.내 보드에는 SD 슬롯 1개와 eMMC가 포함되어 있습니다.eMMC는 SDMMC1에 연결되고 SD는 SDMMC2에 연결됩니다.그리고 둘 다 FatFS에 연결하여 파일 시스템으로 사용합니다.둘 다 각각 사용할 때 매우 잘 작동합니다...
hello.I am creating a new development environment with this new PC purchase.I installed the latest version(1.14.0) of CubeIDE and imported the old project that was building normally. I expect it to build fine, but you get an error while building the ...
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