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Forum Posts

Resolved! RS485 IT Reception error after initialization

Hello,We are switching from RS232 to RS485 and are encountering problems. Everything worked properly with RS232After initializing the USART (we are using Cube), transmitting is working fine.Reception is handled by interrupt. After calling HAL_UART_Re...

[STM32F412] Changing system clock issue

I am trying to change the system clock on my STM32F412 discovery board to 100 MHz using the HSI, however it just seems to crash. I am using direct writes to registers, but I looked at pregenerated CubeMX code and my registers look the same for the cl...

MB.2 by Associate III
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exti1 interrupt works not fine....

HiI am developing a product using stm32f429.​case 1>- use cmsis_rtos2- Interrupt is generated every 20ms using exti1(PA1).- In exti1 callback function, execute gpio is set > delay 1ms > reset.​case 2 >- case1 + fmc initialize codecase 1 works fine. H...

ssooki by Associate III
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lm.1 by Associate II
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STM32 I2C Issue

Dear friends,I am using STM32f407vgt6 and a DS3231 RTC module and I use I2C1 peripheral to read date from DS3231. It is working fine but after 10 or 12 minutes the I2C bus is continously BUSY and I do not know what to do.Is there any way to control t...

Mujtaba by Senior
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