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Forum Posts

Strange behavior of PWM

Hello,​I​ am observing a strange behaviour of the first few PWM pulses after a change in duty cycle. I use HAL_TIM_PWM_Stop, HAL_TIM_ConfigChannel (with the changed Pulse) and then HAL_TIM_PWM_Start. What happens is that for around 1 millisecond the ...

JWilk.1 by Associate II
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External interrupts

The line where the external interrupt is set  SYSCFG->EXTICR [2] |= (3 << 12); I want to set it for port D pin 10. How the masking and unmasking is done for port D?

Nmv1608 by Associate II
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STM32F103RCT6 HSE and LSE Crystal selection

Hi,I am designing a st board for the first time. First, we made all the improvements on the blue pill, which is STM32F103C8T6. When this wasn't enough, we switched to STM32F103RCT6.I am currently drawing a schematic of this card and was confused in ...

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Meyup by Associate II
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Run code from ram improve the performances?

Hallo. In other mcu (not ARM) i’ve worked in the past, there were possibe to move some parts of time critical code to ram, and run them from there to get the best performance, since the flash mamory access were slower then the ram access. In STM32 mc...

Measure cable length

Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to measure the length of a really long and thin copper wire. The length ranges between 5 - 15 km. I think TDR (time domain reflectometry) would be the best method for it. My plan is to generate a pulse wi...

ppete.1 by Associate II
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Hello, I am trying to integrate an AT24CM02 into my project. Can anyone suggest any libraries compatible with HAL? your help is much appreciated. Thank you and best regards, Vouria

VYoun by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32L552 - trying to set 3 GPIO Pins as inputs(w/ wo pull-downs) to be read before most initialization, but some pins on the board are always HIGH?

I'm trying to use 3 GPIO Pins as a 3-bit ID essentially. Depending on the values read, the uC will configure itself in an appropriate way (1 bin fits all tools essentially). The problem I'm having is that with the eval board the pins are pretty close...

Rikerq by Associate II
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