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It seems that there are two major matter that have been neglected by HAL developers for NAND peripheral.First, if someone has a NAND IC with more than 1Gb (I have K9F2G08U0C with 2Gb storage) on PCB, then Read ID function doesn't work completely. The...

ULPbench score too low for STM32L432KC

I used X-NUCLEO-LPM01A, STM32 Power shield to measure power consumption of STM32L432KC and got ULPbench score 0.04 which seems extremely low. Normally, according to the examples I saw, the score should be above 100. All my STM32 board is doing is a ...

QZhou.1 by Associate II
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STM32F746 ADC multi channel with DMA problem!!!

HiI tried to use ADC 2 Channel Scan Mode with DMA circular but it didn't work...and very strange point is when i init DAC with DMA , ADC works. |:anybody knows why?how i use ADC DMA without DAC initialize?thanks for your help.the ADC configurations ...

Ping Pong UART DMA

Hi, I fove the following code:void EXTI9_5_IRQHandler(void) { ... if(GPSDMAStart == 1){ if(currentPing == 0 && currentPingProcessed == 1){ /* currently pong, switch to ping */ hdma_uart7_rx.Instance->CR &= ~(1 << 0); hdma_uart7_...

0693W000001stZ3QAI.png 0693W000001stYtQAI.png
Wleon.1 by Associate II
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SPI DMA STM32H7 SPI Slave response issue

I'm trying to implement a SPI Slave using a circular DMA on the STM32H7.I'm able to correctly receive the bytes sent from a master.I have enabled an interrupt on the rising edge of the chip select to read out the sent bytes at the end of a transmissi...

MDW by Associate II
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HAL_UART_Receive() on STM32F407 is receiving only one byte a time irrespective of amount of data being transmitted on transmitter side.

Hello,Am using STM32F407 (Discovery board). This is connected with a PC which is sending 100 bytes of data and realized that only 1 byte is received and remaining 99 bytes are lost. Below is the code excerpt running on STM32F407      while(1)      { ...

DevBee by Associate II
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I am working on stm32g071. In which i am sending some log message from uart3. But after 8 - 10 hour it stop sending data. What could be the possible issue. Please guide. The sample of my main file is given below....

   /* Initialize all configured peripherals */   MX_GPIO_Init();   MX_SPI1_Init();   MX_USART1_UART_Init();   MX_USART2_UART_Init();   MX_USART3_UART_Init();   /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */   USART1->CR1 |= USART_CR1_RXNEIE_RXFNEIE; ///USART_CR1_RXNEIE;   ...

Dkuma.13 by Associate II
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