HiI'm using STM32F103VGT6 and now days i have a problem in working with SD cards.I can't use FatFs library."HAL_SD_GetCardState" function, always return 'TRANSFER' state.I try multiple SD cards, clock divider and any many configs.please help.thanks
My written program code is really simple and it has a 'while' loop which controls SD card's state and its compatible with manual's note :while(HAL_SD_GetCardState(&hsd) == HAL_SD_CARD_TRANSFER);...in debug mode, program stopped on this line and never...
thanks @TDK This function (HAL_SD_GetCardState) has multiple output.For example:-HAL_SD_CARD_READYCard state is ready-HAL_SD_CARD_IDENTIFICATIONCard is in identification state-HAL_SD_CARD_STANDBYCard is in standby state-HAL_SD_CARD_TRANSFERCard is i...