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Resolved! L031K6 : Please check my ADC-DMA code is correct !

I wish to get proper ADC value by ADC-DMA multi channels.These ADC-DMA has 4 channels : trying to get 3 voltage data from 3 external port , and temperature data from one internal port.but I realize I get quite incorrect value from external port ,and ...

DU2 by Associate II
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missing one byte out of 26 while receiving data with spi

I am using STM32L072RBI am receiving 26 bytes at one go from an adc using spi interface but i found that i miss one byte out of 26 bytes(from any position) every 6-7 times of reading adc.I saw that data byte is present using oscillosope ,but mcu miss...

SA.17 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32F103 standby High Impedance problem

Hello I need to use standby mode for my MCU which is STM32F103. In datasheets it says that when MCU is in the standby mode, pins are left in the High Impedance. However, I need these pins to be High ( these are output pins). Is it possible to achieve...

GunkutA by Senior
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