The STM32H735G-DK BOARD seamed to be debree now. It is unbeleaveable that the board will have to be powered by the arduino 5V female connector. How can it stand then on its 4 feed? I hope Digikey will take it back.
My friend tould me that eclipse in some cases need to be reinstalled. So I will reinstall stm32cubeide 1.5.0. and start the in App update with help->updateto v1.5.1.Afterwards I install the h7, f7, f4 and f3 packages from local .zip files.
Thanks a lot!I have only installed STM32CubeIDE 1.5.0I thougt this IDE has CubeMX includet now.How can I switch in CubeIDE to CubeMX?Over the .ioc file double click?Or do I have to install CubeMX separatly?
I have a 1000mA 5V Power-supply with micro-USB connector. I want to plug this into the USB-OTG on the 735 an set the power-jumper to USB-OTG. The st-link v3 I connect to its connector on the 735.Okay?