I'm trying to figure out the battery consumption of an STM32F746. Accodring to the datasheet, that depends on SRAM state, RCC state, and if the LSE is in low, medium low, medium high, or high drive.I have no idea what these kinds of drives are, nor ...
The bio reactor has bone marrow inside of it and this is being analysed for the properties of microgravitation.I would use a NUCLEO-F303K8 microcontroller. The system must endure a maximum accelaration of 10G due to the fact that it will be used late...
I'm using input capture with a 16 bit timer to read a 1.5ms pulse that occurs every 20ms. I can see on my scope that the input pulse conforms to this exactly. Here's the code for the interrupt callback:uint16_t pwmVal0 = 0; uint16_t pwmVal1 = 0; ...
I am working with the STM32F767 and DMA1/USART3 for RX and TX. TX is fully functional. Currently the idle line interrupt continuously fires when enabled, while the RXNE interrupt never fires. The Idle interrupt is cleared everytime the interrupt is f...
I am using stm32h743zi with my custom board. I configured fd can 1 as classic can as in cubemx example. I configured the baudrate as 125 kbit/s.But after sending couple of packets, it stops sending due to fifo full error. How can i clear the fifo?My...
I've managed to finally get the IAP flashing a new netlist with LwIP for the STM32F767 Nucleo Board. But now the program is getting stuck. I made a new program (of which I included the temp1.txt file which is the equivalent of the temp1.list file). I...
I am looking for some advice on which MCU dev board to get for a project that I am working on. An outline of the project is as follows:Needs to read in 60 ADC inputs. Plan is to use 10 channels and then multiplex them. Needs to have a sampling fre...