2020-12-15 4:25 AM
We're trying to connect an STM32F469 discovery kit and a Silabs thunderboard 2 through USB, in order to send data between the ST kit and a BLE device using Thunderboard 2.
There are two accessible UARTs on STM32F469 dev kit, UART3 which is also connected to USB ST-LINK and UART6, which is already used to connect another device.
So we try to connect UART3 of STM32 to UART of Silabs board. We've tested the following solutions :
TEST 1 : connect UART 3 STM32 (mini USB connector) <-> USB Thunderboard => not working
TEST 2 : connect UART 3 STM32 (mini USB connector) <-> CP2120 micro USB - UART <-> UART Thunderboard => not working
TEST 3 : connect PC USB <-> USB Silabs => working to send and receive data
TEST 4 : connect PC USB <-> CP2120 micro USB - UART <-> UART Thunderboard => working to send and receive data
Is there a simple way to connect these two devices using STM32 mini USB connector and Thunderboard (UART pins or micro USB connector) ?