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BRR of STM32F401RCT6 changed when hot swapping

When the USART is  hot swapping,some datas will occur on TX RX pin;and the value of BRR register will be changed;the picture 1 shows the BRR before  hot swapping;and the picture 2 shows the BRR after  hot swapping. Why this question happens?And what...

Pzhu.1 by Associate II
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SPI1_NSS conflicts with PA15 in STM32F103

Hi,According to datasheet, The main function of PA15 is JTDI, so I disabled JTAG and config that pin in AF_PP mode.Then if I don't initialize SPI1, I can control PA15 as GPIO. But if I initialize SPI1, this pin will hold high. Since SPI1 has occupied...

Sni.1 by Associate
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Resolved! Question on STO_ acronym in ST code

In trying to understand some motor control code in the ST Library I've come across some procedure names with STO_ as a prefix. Simple question what does the acronym STO mean?

BTrem.1 by Senior II
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Having Trouble with SD DMA on STM32L452 MCU

Hello. So like title says I am having trouble making SDMMC work with DMA in 4 bit mode. I tried with FreeRTOS and without FreeRTOS didnt get anyresult. But it works perfectly without DMAIt gives either Rx Overrun error or timeout error. I tried it wi...

KKurt.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32L073CZ in full production?

We are intending to design in this MCU. Does ST have a website that would indicate where this part is in its lifespan? I can only see that it is listed as "active".Thanks

RSoen.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32F091CCT6: Why my led doesn't blink?

Hi there.I have a board from some equipament which has a STM32F091CCT6 uC, and there are 3 leds, connected to pin GPIO_C13, GPIO_C14 and GPIO_A7. Anode from leds are connected to Vcc and Catode are connected in a resistor and then to the uC pins (so ...

Rick1 by Associate II
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Need help to blink LED with STM32F2

Hello all i am trying to implement a simple thing that is trying to blink LED using a function. Below attached are main.c, project.c and project.h. If i try the same thing without using a function it works fine but if i use the function it doesnot bl...

NSirm.1 by Associate III
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STM32H743II spi master half duplex tx into rx

spi half duplex with dma,change tx ino rx,when finished tx process,start rx process,just set the "spe" bit of spi master(not set cstart bit),dma just starts working,and cntdr goes to zero,then rx process fail,spi report overun error.

Wdong.2 by Associate
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