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Forum Posts

strange debug ROM table entries

Hello,I am looking into the ROM tables on STM32F439ZI. TPIU (0xE0040000) class type is 0x9, in its romtable, there are two entries:0xb, which is strange because it is marked as present (0b11) but offset is zero which is prohibited.0x1, which means pr...

mete by Senior II
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USART in interrupt mode

Hi, I want to use USART in interrupt mode in stm32f429 evaluation board.I saw the demo example UART_Hyperterminal_IT, but I didn't understood why they are calling HAL_UART_Receive_IT() function if we are using USART in interrupt mode not in polling m...

PNaph.2 by Associate II
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STM32F103RGT6 I2C state machine misunderstanding

Hello.I'm trying to get I2C working to read BMP280 sensor data. This is code I written so far: GPIOB->CRL |= GPIO_CRL_MODE6; //set PB6 as output with drive strenght to 50Mhz GPIOB->CRL |= GPIO_CRL_CNF6; //set PB6 to open-drain alternate funct...

fifi_22 by Associate III
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What is the recommended Software Test Tool that conforms to White Box Testing for STM32? I have a finished project code in STM32CubeIDE but it has to pass the FDA Software Test (independent of hardware).

This link provides details regarding White Box Testing: we just want to test the software by conducting a white box unit test. Any input is much appreciated. Than...

KGayo by Associate
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Bug when erasing flash STM32F412

Hello. Errata writes interesting things.2.1.7 Flash sector erase issue for sectors 5 to 11DescriptionUnder specific conditions, flash erase issues are observed.The involved sectors are: 5 to 11WorkaroundDo not perform sector erase on sectors 5 to 11....

Arlleex1 by Associate II
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