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Forum Posts


I am using WinBond W25Q64JV SPI Flash chip for storing data and micro controller is STM32F101RCT6. When i am try to store the data in Winbond chip it is working fine i can able to read and write data in winbond chip but if i want to overwrite the new...

MSank by Associate
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Getting string by UART Receive

Hi everyone.I am sending string data from PC and I want it get with UART of STM32F1xx but as you know I can only have 1 character.For example I am sending "234" as a string from PC, but I can see only ascii character of only 2 (ascii code of 2 is 50)...

UUrcan by Associate II
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STM32F072 uart RX

I am using UART4 from STM32F072VB with 9600 baudrate on inetrrupt basis.uint8_t p[2] = {0,0}; // array to store data received on uart temporarystoring uart receive data in this array according to my program requirement.uint8_t led_ip_cmd[5][16];//arr...

Bs.1 by Associate II
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