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I wonder, if it is possible to build a Zigbee Green Power Proxy and ZGP Sink with the STM32_WPAN v1.0.I couldn't find any documentation neither any source code samples.I did find some hints about Zigbee Green Power:1.
Hi I'm not very experienced with Zigbee, but I have a ZGPD power measuring device on my desk I'd like to get the data from. With a 802.15.4 sniffer i see he's asking for a channel (command 0xe3) within the first 5 minutes after startup. He's also bro...
Board: P-Nucleo-WB55I tried to rebuild the perfectly running sample from the repository STM32Cube_FW_WB_V1.20.0.Defining all within Stm32CubeIde, generating, compiling and running the code fails (never return) at line 31. /** * @brief Handle Zigbee...
I struggled with the CMPM interrupt and made a small test programm to reproduce the bug.To see whats going on I use an oscilloscope with 2 GPIO pins called A and B.​Pseudo Code:​LPTIM_IRQHandler() { setGpioA; clearFlag_CMPM; resetGpioA; } ​ main()...
As soon as i configure PB4 as SPI1_MISO, I get disconnected from the target. Even the connection doesn't use the NJTRST pin.It used to be a bug on the stm32L4, but I could't find it mention on the errata of the stm32U585.Has anyone (ST) knowledge abo...
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