Hi,I am creating project in which I need to use LIN bus, I have tried to generate code from cubeMX, I have changed the BaudRate to 19200 in initialization, see the code from Initialization :static void MX_USART1_UART_Init(void) { huart1.Instance = ...
Posted on February 14, 2017 at 14:07Hi, I am working on ST STM32L151VB-A, I burned a loader which already worked for me, and since then I get ''active write protected STM32 device detected'' also on other application that worked fine. when I try to ...
Hey guys completely lost on this one. I have seen many other STM32 chipsets and in the reference manual its plain and simple how to increase it, however when it comes to this chip it doesnt list the Wait state for the CPU frequency but for the AXI pe...
Hii everyone,I'm using stm32f4 discovery board and its header board which consist sd card interface in it. I'm using cubeIDE to generate code for 1-bit mode SDIO interfacing using DMA. But the problem is at f_open instruction while debugging step by ...
I am getting suspiciously high current draw (10mA) after I callHAL_PWR_EnterSLEEPMode(PWR_LOWPOWERREGULATOR_ON, PWR_SLEEPENTRY_WFI);and I'm trying to track down the culprit, I'm suspending the systick but it makes no change.In stm32f0xx_hal.c it list...
Hi All,I am using SD card store something log on H743 with mbed. But I encounter a problem which will poll the strange status "HAL_SD_CARD_RECEIVING".I can initial without any issue. Also can write a shot address and read. But when I write a contin...
I already used MAT/TARGET and it works pretty good. Now I have a problem with SPI I can't find enough information to build my block diagram correctly with SPI. In particular I don't understand which type of data require in Input and how can I use sim...
I can confirme this bug, onlye Timer on APB1-Bus are working with the target. When I'm use Timer 2 MATLAB runs into a infinit-loop. there are a Bug in the TIMER_config.tlc at line 531. When i use the timer in encoder-mode, it generate always an ISR b...
Hello,I'm trying to connect my MPU6500 to my Nucleo f411re board with the SPI Protocol.The MPU6500 is working correctly because I tested it with an Arduino and it worked as expected.I'm using SPI2 with the Pins PB15, PB14 and PB13.But for some reason...