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How to configure the MODBUS holding registers?

I ordered a EVAL robot kit-1 from STM and im trying to connect the motor to a MODBUS software. I used ICC MODBUS MASTER application. There is a problem with the holding registers. NO OTHER VALUE than 4 for the Target position in degrees (least signif...

AReem.1 by Associate
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Hello all. I am using an STM32L496ZGT and I am getting blips of ~50mV on the VREFBUF_OUT when the reference buffer is enabled and set to 2.5V. These blips are periodic at 5Hz-6Hz.

I tried generating a file from CubeMx and leave the main empty (it is only toggling 2 GPIO pins every 500ms). The blips are still there. The MCU is powered from a 3V3 LDO for VDD and VDDA (VDDA also has an RC filter of 0.5Ω-2.1μF in line), while the ...

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NVand.1 by Associate II
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NUCLEO-F030R8 Default ADC Value 1.65V(2035)

Hello,When I activate ADC channel I'm getting 2035 value without any connection from ADC channels, I changed several channel HAL_ADC_Start(&hadc); HAL_ADC_PollForConversion(&hadc, HAL_MAX_DELAY); raw = HAL_ADC_GetValue(&hadc); // Conver...

Proteus by Associate II
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hi guys i have stm32 nucleo 64 stm32f401 development board i managed to use cubemx and keil to generate a blinking led program which flashed perfectly

but i wanted to try a diffrent ide which was eclipse so i setup the gnu toolchain and tried to flash my led program using stm32 cube programmer but it i did not know what i was doing but i attempted to do a full erase in stm32cube programmer but it o...

Acosi.1 by Associate II
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STM32F301 boot time

Hi,​We want to use STM32F301 to do power on sequence control on my system board. Before board Gerber out we need confirm the boot time of STM32F301. ​So, What's the boot time from power steady to run main function? ​Thanks

Aren.1 by Associate
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GPIO retention method

Is there a way to prevent the GPIO from changing even if a Self reset is executed?​void SelfReset_Handler(void){  WWDG_SetPrescaler(WWDG_Prescaler_8);  WWDG_SetWindowValue(80);  WWDG_Enable(127);}​Mcu Self Reset -> GPIO High retention ​

LSang.11 by Associate II
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