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looking for Model Based Development Tool

Hello ​I am looking for free MBD tool for programming. ​I think Algobuilder is good. but cpu is limited and dedicated only for mems sensors. ​I found MBD tool xcos based on Scilab. and module for cubemx, codegenator.

kdok .1 by Associate II
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Timer, DMA and ARR preload question

I need generate some pattern at GPIO outputs (in defined times i have to write some known combinations on outputs) as reaction on external trigger signal. I've let external signal to trigger timer (thru TRGI). I'am using TIM_CC event as DMA request w...

Pwm mode stm32

How can I use PWM output pulse in my program?Normally the PWM mode for instance for TIM1 will be generated on pin PA8, but I want to use the PWM signal internally in my code. How is it applicable?

AKh.1 by Associate II
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Unexpected behaviour with using STM32 QSPI over HAL

I am using the QSPI (or dual-SPI) interface of the STM32L452 to create instructions for an LED driver using the HAL. I have managed to get it to work but I have to set quite absurd configuration options for the command to make it work.Here's my initi...

0693W000006EkvPQAS.png 0693W000006EkvUQAS.png
chmanie by Associate
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How to inject your own data into the I2S line with DMA

Hi guys, as the question suggests,Mentioned by many, to fully learn how the I2S behave I must use my own valid data, so I can see what happens to it.I am having a bit of problems getting this guy to worked, I want this to implement a DMA to emulate t...

CLeo.1 by Senior II
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