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I am working on the STM32F769 series microcontroller in my project. I am using SAI interface of the mcu. And of course I also use DMA of SAI interface . I adjusted the DMA(DMA2 Stream 1) as listed below in the application :DMA Request Settings : Mode...
After changing some properties, those are: -"BOR_LEV" set up 1 (BOR Level 2 VBOR2 brownout threshold level 2) -"RDP" set up CC (level 2 chip protection) from "Option Bytes" segmentation in STM Cube Programmer(It was unintentional case and before th...
The STM32F407 is programmed with STMCube IDE and there is no error during initizalition of the functions; HAL_Init(), SystemClock_Init(); MX_USB_DEVICE_Init().As I expect that virtual com port will be opened while the PCB is plugged into my PC, unfor...
There are a lot of entries about this problem as I saw. But I also want to tell my story :DSTM32F407VE is used as MCU and USB3320 is used as external PHY for obtaining high speed rate in USB operations. And, STM32CUBE IDE is used to generate code and...
I have some problems about programming USB CDC. The program goes into ERROR_HANDLER in   MX_USB_DEVICE_Init();. I think I made a mistake during set the configuration for running USB_OTG_HS and USB_DEVICE in ioc. (gui of STM32CubeIde). In " STM32F4xx_...