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I am trying to drive inkjet printer cartridge using Nucleo F746ZG board. But at the moment i connect cartridge to the nucleo board, Controller heats up very much and over current LED starts blinking and if i continue connection about 10 Minutes then...
Hello i am using Nucleo F746ZG board. When i run simple LED blink code with below code its not showing LD5 (Over current) on.#include "mbed.h"   // Blinking rate in milliseconds #define BLINKING_RATE 500ms int main() { // Initialise the digital pin...
#include "mbed.h" #include "FastPWM.h" FastPWM fastpwm(PA_8,1); int main() { fastpwm.period(5.25e-8 ); fastpwm.write(0.5); }This is my simple code to generate PWM in MHZ using FastPWM. When i check on CRO its showing frequency about 16 to 19 MHZ b...