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Forum Posts

Hi, I use STM32F746 to build a modbus environment which connected to RS485 bus.I use as DE-RE pin is not a specially defined alternative function pin, so I defined it as output pin.However I am having a problem receiving the packages I send.

USART3TX--PB10RX--PB11DE-RE--PE15 /*Configure GPIO pin : PE15 */ GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_4; GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PP; GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL; GPIO_InitStruct.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_MEDIUM; HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOC, &G...

Bilge by Associate III
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How to Enable Analog Audio in STM32F769I Discovery Board ?

I have a Demo application based on the Audio Playback and record example program . This example defaults to using the onboard digital mics.  I need to use the analog mic/CN6 Line in (blue) jack .  I made changes to use the INPUT_DEVICE_ANALOG_MIC. T...

PR.6 by Associate II
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Resolved! Using STM32 FLASH memory

I am learning on using the STM32L431CC FLASH memory to store data after the microcontroller loses power. From compiling through Keil, I get:Program Size: Code=34316 RO-data=1228 RW-data=364 ZI-data=1908From the above, Is it correct that only 35Kbytes...

RrW1 by Associate III
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Write to STM32 internal flash fails

On my stm32g0 mcu there is no eeprom. So, I am using internal flash to save one byte user data to retain it between power cycles.I am doing it the following way,Add Data section in memory in the linker scriptMEMORY { ......  DATA (xrw) : ORIGIN =...

AR_26 by Associate II
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STM32L412: No decoupling caps for VDDA if not used?

Hi there,I'm designing an application with an STM32L412K8 and I don't use ADC, OPAMP or COMP. The datasheet (DS12469) says:VDDA shall be 0 to 3.6 V if ADC, OPAMP, COMP is not used (general operating conditions table 21).When the functions supplied by...

AN..1 by Associate II
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