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The first step succeed and I'm able to ping my Nucleo H745ZI-Q.Next step would be creating a TCP connection, this doesn't work because of some memory related problems.Calling echoclient_pcb = tcp_new() gives me back a NULL./** * @ingroup tcp_raw * ...
In this document: talk about some examples. Where can I find the example code source?
I've generated the LwIP code with CubeMX for my Nucleo H745ZI-Q and used this guide to make extra settings: when I run my program, it results in a HardFault. I've attached the memory .ld files, anyone...
I've enabled LwIP in CubeMX and now I cannot compile my code anymoreI thought the include paths where the problem, but I checked them all multiple times and I cannot find the error.   Can someone help me?
I'm trying to compile my program, but it doesn't work due to an error probably related to LwIP includes.In file included from c:\st\stm32cubeide_1.6.0\stm32cubeide\plugins\