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Forum Posts

Resolved! I have a timer set up to measure the input PWM period on channel 1 and pulse width on channel 2 as outlined in the reference manual and it works fine. However, when I stop the input signal, the capture registers are never reset to indicate 0 frequency.

Timer configurations are as follows:   // Control registers(input PWM on channel 1 and 2[pin 12 & 13])  TIM4->CCMR1 |= TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_0 ; // Active input for tim_ccr1  TIM4->CCMR1 |= TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_1; // Active input for tim_ccr2   TIM4->CCER  |= TIM...

bmose.2 by Associate
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Checking ADC sampling time calculations for STM32407VG?

Hello,I was following a course and the section I'm at is using the ADC. They said the sampling time is 10us, but I calculated it to be around 2.3us.Taken from the datasheet:13.5 Channel-wise programmable sampling timeThe ADC samples the input voltage...

JSamu.2 by Associate II
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