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Forum Posts

STM32H743ZI and 8 bus parallel communication

HiI'm about to be using the STM32H743 to a project, were is should communicate to an 8 bus parallel ADC. Is there maybe someone who can guide on how this can be done, maybe there is an example, tutorial or other documentation of how this can be done ...

LKris.1 by Associate II
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Hard Fault when dicrease core freq on F373

Hi, I'm using STM32F373 for my project. When I'm using core freq >=36MHz everything is fine. But I need to decrease core freq for power consumption. When I run project with 12/24MHz Hard Fault is occurred in 1-5 secconds. Times is randoms. (Of course...

AFili.1 by Associate
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Updating firmware using raspberry pi

I have a custom board with SWO pins for STM32 firmware (but I don't have the RESET pin)I was planning to update my board remotely with ST-Link and raspberry piBut I found out too late that STM32CubeProgrammer does not support ARMI tried to use ST-Lin...