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Resolved! TSC Channel selection

Hello Everyone!I have thoroughly understood touch sense controller peripheral of STM32F051C8T6, I have also developed a test code using the HAL layer and is working file and detecting touch (i.e. is count value decreasing when finger comes near elect...

Resolved! Can an MCU that supports QSPI use OCTOSPI memories?

I want to add some volatile memory to my MCU (32~64 MB). I'm currently looking at STM32H/F7 devices.Most DRAM needs so many traces that the PCB area taken up by the memory makes it impractical for my design.It seems like there is a new memory interfa...

STM32F407 spurious reset (RCC_FLAG_PINRST)

Hi, I have a project using STM32F407 micro. Every few days I get a reset on the device even though there is no interaction with the device. I have it running on the debugger with ST-Link connected and when this reset occurs I inspect the CSR register...

joe by Associate III
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Why does HAL_RCC_OscConfig() fail on demo code?

NUCLEO-F429ZImxcube v6.1HAL_RCC_OscConfig() fails using demo project I believe it fails exactly here:pll_config = RCC->PLLCFGR;                                           if((READ_BIT(pll_config, RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLSRC) != RCC_OscInitStruct->PLL.PLLSource...

YPear.1 by Associate II
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When using BG431B-ESC1 to erase the flash chip, IfI encountered that "unrecognized uC", "it is locked " What should I do? st-link util v4.1 usb drv v5.0.2 cli v3.1 fw V2.J34.M25 upgrade V2.J28.M18

When using BG431B-ESC1 to erase the flash chip, IfI encountered that "unrecognized uC", "it is locked "What should I do? Stlink version details, at below.Why upgrade # is smaller?st-link util v4.1usb drv v5.0.2cli v3.1fw V2.J34.M25upgrade V2.J28.M18

ktoke.1 by Associate
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Resolved! STM32F042K6 Nucleo CAN bus receive issue

I am trying to test the CAN bus on STM32F042K6 Nucleo board. I can transmit data but cannot receive. Here is my settings. Data is sent from STM32H7 -Disco board whose CAN0 bitrate is set to 250K. I can send and receive data to/from STM32H7 board. So ...

hsamurai by Associate II
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Coocox to Makefile causes ASM compiling error

I'm attempting to migrate an old project from Coocox, to a good old Makefile, and somehow, even though all the gcc options are the same, and I use the same exact toolchain, I get his error, following this command:arm-none-eabi-gcc -c -g -O0 -Wall $(...

TGeof.2 by Associate II
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