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STM32H7 timer output compare behavior

I am using a STM32H7 micro in an application where I need to assert a signal at a time that I determine in software. I am using the output compare from a timer for this signal and setting the CCR register to the time I want the output to be asserted....

JBerry by Associate III
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Hello, i have the task to make the same LED on the MCU blink at different frequencies when pushing a push button. I know that this is possible with External Interrupts.

I can make LEDs blink at different frequencies but only 1 frequency...So far i managed to get the LED config going with CubeMX.I want to make this by using External Interrupts.But how can i make the same LED change frequency by pushing a button on my...

DKunz.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Memory map 4GB or 4.096GB?

Hi all,1)in STM32F446xC/E it is written that the memory consists out of 8 Blocks each 512-Mbytes. This leads to 4.096-GB. In PM0214 its written: The processor has a fixed memory map that provides up to 4 GB of addressable memory. Now my question: How...

JDirk.1 by Senior
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STM32F3 Injected ADC not working on CCR4

Hello I am trying to trigger adc with injected mode using TIM1 CCR 4 event.When i try to use TIM1 upgrade to generate injected ADC interrupt it worked.I used event 0 for adc injected.But when i try to use TIM1 CCR 4 event to trigger injected ADC it i...

Resolved! STM32H7CubeIDE: Is it possible to clone projects?

I have an STM32H735G Discovery Kit and I'm using it with STM32CubeH7 IDE.I want to modify the projects for my own code. Specifically, I want to make a copy of a project.But, I MUST keep the metadata for the toolchain and the debugger. Right now, I ...

DMois.1 by Associate III
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SPDIFRX_FRAME_SYNC not working/configured?

Hi all,when trying to use the SPDIFRX_FRAME_SYNC on a STM32H743 I ran into a problem.I configure TIM17 as Input capture and set TIM17_TISEL = 1 which should select the SPDIFRX_FRAME_SYNC signal, but the CCR1 register is not updated with the current c...

BKies.1 by Associate
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Input Trigger capture sources on STM32G4xx

I have an application where I want an external input logic signal to capture a Timer counter value. In my situation the timing measurement is critical so I'm thinking of having the input signal trigger a Timer counter value capture and set a DMA inte...

BTrem.1 by Senior II
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Resolved! STM32L4xx board has GPIO pin 5 on two different ports (GPIOA and GPIOB) that need to interrupt at different phases of processing. How to initialize PA5 to interrupt initially and the switch to PB5 until done and switch back?

EE designed the board with both pins in use and both needing to wake up from STOP2. At start PA5 must be used to awake. Once awake, switch interrupt to PB5 for normal processing. When normal processing is done, switch back to PA5 and enter STOP2. ...

warm38 by Associate III
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STMH745 and RTC issue

Hello, I'm using a stm32h745 on my new board with an external 32768Hz quart and setup RTC at startup as follow (using LSE):HalErr_tError HalRtc_Init(void) { HalErr_tError zError = HalErr_eNoError;   /* Configure RTC prescaler and RTC data regis...

DMast.1 by Associate II
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