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Hi all​My cipher text from STM32F429 crypto library(AES-CBC-256) is CTS(Ciphertext Stealing),but the cipher text can'e decrypt by openssl on my PC because the file length is not correct.What can I do to solve it?Thanx
Hi All​I used UART3 of STM32F429 to receive data(larger than 10K). If the baudrate is 230400,the RX can receive entire file; But If the baudrate was 460800 or 921600,I can't get the entire file(143111 of 143316 bytes). Anyone can help?Regards,
Hi AllI need to fill the security policy about STM32 crypto library(STM32CubeExpansion_Crypto_V3.1.0), and had three function name to fill.1, Entropy Health test2, Repetition Count Test3, Adaptative Proportion TestAnyone knows these?Regards,
Hi allI used STM32F429 connected with LTE module by USART3,but I can only set the baudrate 230600. If I set 460800 or 921600,MCU can't transmit or receive data from LTE.How can I set the baudrate over 230600??void uart_init() { UART3_Handler.Instanc...
Hi allI used STM32CryptographicV3.0.0_CM4_KEIL_otslsm1elfspf on STM32F429 for ECC encrypt and decrypt. But after use several time library function(likes ECCinitEC, SHA256_Append, etc), the system was halted. If I used AES encrypt and decrypt functi...