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Is there a working sample code that interface quad-spi over an octal-spi on an STM32H723XX mcu?Has anyone tested such a scenario?
I did check the reference manual, but it was not stated. I have also seen in an image the same core has different counts of UART. Hence I am a bit confused.
Hi, I've been wanting to understand the reason for WRITE_READ_ADDR offset address used in example codes, below is the snippet, to give some idea what I am talking why 0x0800 ? #define WRITE_READ_ADDR ((uint32_t)0x0800)     for (uwIndex...
My scenario I have a master controller keep sending 30Bytes of data with every 500ms..Issue when use to my slave controller is :HAL_UART_Receive_IT(&huart1, varPtr, 20);the packet might not be received properly as the slave is hot swapped.. it can be...
I have a question out of curiously, how the values inside the huart1 initialized with some values without any function calling.. the breakpoints is at start of main()