2021-03-21 01:05 PM
I am using STM32F405xx and Cube IDE environment to evaluate my app. A layered CAN communication is requested. At this point, there are three layer to build this architecture. 1. 1.Layer is HAL library for CAN provided by ST and CubeMx: can.c and can.h
This layer offers me some Rx, Tx, LL init, de-init, start-stop-wakeup CAN comm. or enable-disable irq etc. Addition to these synchronous functions, It also provides asynchronous completecallback functions.
2.The second layer will be a CanIf (can interface) to abstract layer1 and offers fully abstracted CAN interface for my upper layer in CanIf.c and CanIf.h
3.This layer will be vehicle_dynamic_collector which will send or receive pre-defined IDs and also will do some other stuff in Vehicle_Dynamics.c and Vehicle_Dynamics.h
Now, How should I design this asynchronous commication without breaking dependencies.
This is my ex and poor design.
This code block is located in can.c and Get_SimCanMsgPackage()
function is located in vehicle_dynamics.h and there is no CanIf.h interface in this design. As you see I putted high level functions into low layer. I want to change this.
void HAL_CAN_RxFifo0MsgPendingCallback(CAN_HandleTypeDef *hcan)
/* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
/* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
the HAL_CAN_RxFifo0MsgPendingCallback could be implemented in the
user file
if(HAL_CAN_GetRxMessage(&hcan1, CAN_RX_FIFO0, &pRxHeader, &aCanRxMsgData[0])!=HAL_OK)
Get_SimCanMsgPackage(); /*This function will be in upper layer in normal.*/