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Forum Posts

How to bypass or reset the Hard fault error?

Hello, I'm working on a project based on STM32F446 controller. In my project, I'm reading and writing some data on the external flash. Its interface to one of the SPI port of the controller. The frequency of data accessing (reading and writing) is a ...

IAP for STM32F103C8T6

Hi, does library example of in-application programming (IAP) for STM32F103C8T6 exist?I would like to load software updates from MicroSD card.Also as I understand I will need 2 projects? One as bootloader to load software and another as application wh...

JBond.1 by Senior
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STM32F7 RWW stalls

Information:- STM32F777ZI- Dual mode enabled- Application in BANK 1. Nothing in BANK 2.- For simplicity I do NOT turn on: I/D caches, ART and Prefetch, MPU.Scenario:1) Power up.2) I execute the function. CPU sometimes stalls, sometimes not, sometimes...

BDurs by Associate II
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I have a mono channel to play audio files and can't play stereo files since it allocates more memory. Seems like audio quality of mono file isn't good because I lose a certain part of data.

According to I2S example of STM32373C-EVAL SDK : "Mono audio streaming is not supported (in order to play mono audio streams, each data should be sent twice on the I2S or should be duplicated on the source buffer. Or convert the stream in stereo befo...

Liandri by Associate II
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Level sensitive interrupts with EXTI

I need to achieve level sensitive interrupt behavior with EXTI, similar to shared PCI interrupts on other architectures.Have several OR'ed interrupt requests wired together to a EXTI input;all requests are active low.All requests can be masked or dis...

Pavel A. by Evangelist III
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STM32L4 RTOS SDCard doesn`t work

Hi, I have custom HW with STM32L496RGTx. On board I have SD card slot. I tried HW with CubeMX. Setted SDMMC1 to Mode: SD 1, SD DMA - SDMMC1 and divider to 24. In code I wroted: FATFS SDFatFs; /* File system object for SD card logical drive */ char S...

lorant124 by Associate III
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Weird characters on I2C 16x2 LCD

Greetings to all.I'm Following some online courses to learn to program STM32. I have a very weird behavior of my board that gives me not few headaches. After reviewing, changing, testing my codes for 2 days i found a way to get my program running cor...

VForm by Associate II
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