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Forum Posts

Resolved! Why is SPI clock baud rate limited to 18Mbit/s?

I'm using the STM32F072RB MCU and I am trying to increase the SPI baud rate. The HSI48 Clock is 48MHz and the minimum SPI clock prescaler is 2 which comes out to be 24Mbit/s. However, it gives me an error stating that the baud rate is more than 18MB...

JAlle.2 by Associate II
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RTC shifting in stm32L431

Hi,I am using stm32L431 and (32.768KHz ±20ppm 12.5pF 70kΩ) as LSE.Every day the time is update by internet, but in some cases, the clock shifting about 5 minutes.It occur aroung 2 times to week. what is probably happening?Binary data format and Alar...

GFont.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32F746 doesn't start up

A STM32F746 on a custom board powered by the step-down regulator TPS62082 by TI doesn't start in about 90% of cases.I flashed (which always works fine) a simple test program, which flashes two LEDs alternately:int main(void) { HAL_Init(); SystemC...

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Internal ram serving like eprom emulator.

Sometime ago, i tested with sucess a stm32f417 running on 168MHz, reading one full portx, using for address a array in memory and put result on another porty.So, i bring a more powerfull mcu stm32H750 with 1Mb ram, and tested the same code.when i run...

AOliv.1 by Associate II
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Issue with microseconds delay with timer

Hi,we are using stm32f745xx and bellow are our configurations.we are using total 6 timers, out of which we are using TIM6 to generate 50us interrupt.htim6.Instance = TIM6;htim6.Init.Prescaler = 1;htim6.Init.CounterMode = TIM_COUNTERMODE_UP;htim6.Init...

RRajb.1 by Associate II
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