2021-03-10 10:34 AM
I am new to the ST developers community.
I have an large file (4 MB) that I need to divide it and transfer data chunks serially from Raspberry Pi to STM32 Nucleo-64 board including the STM32L073RZ MCU with a certain delay to allow the STM32 Nucleo-64 board, that interfaces with Semtech 2.4 GHz Radio board, to transmit data wirelessly utilising 2.4 GHz LoRa radio protocol which allows high data rate (up to roughly 2 Mbps).
First, I see that I can use either: 1) the USB to USB port on the STM32 Nucleo-64 board or, 2) the GPIO UART (i.e., USART TX and USART RX pins) to connect and interface the Raspberry Pi with STM32 Nucleo-64 board for data transmission and reception. Which one do you recommend for ease of configuration? I think I will need to apply an appropriate UART Clock Configuration in STM32 Nucleo-64 board including clock rate, etc.
Second, I am learning about using the STM32CubeMX software tool using the course in YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQCqVBuq-gA&list=PLnMKNibPkDnGtuIl5v0CvC81Am7SKpj02&index=2) to setup the pinouts, clock configuration, UART setting. It seems in module 10, the course explains how to set up the UART.
Third. after I set the UART pins using STM32CubeMX and other pins, I can Generate Code and use the ST32Cube IDE (I am learning how to use it following the YouTube course: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnMKNibPkDnFCosVVv98U5dCulE6T3Iy8) to set up the UART configuration settings and 2.4 GHz LoRa radio settings. Do you know any example on ST32Cube IDE that I can build upon utilising the ST32 Nucleo board to transmit and receive data through UART protocol?
To set up the radio settings, I will be utilising the code implementation
provided by Semtech: https://github.com/lorabasics/lorabasicsmodem
Lastly, I hope the workflow looks correct so that I can continue the work.
Thank you,
2021-03-10 12:19 PM
The RPi header can take 3.3V UART signals directly, you'd need to connect the TX, RX, and GND
The RPi4 is perhaps a pain as the TTY is mapped to the Bluetooth by default and the pin header implements a soft-serial unless the thing is remapped, and the daemons killed.
The LoRa-DISCO board might be less cumbersome than the Nucleo. If the ST-LINK VCP/CDC is viable on the RPi that would provide another avenue for connectivity.
Perhaps use a serial protocol that provides for flow control and recovery, ie X-MODEM-1K and/or variants.
SLIP might be another.
2021-03-11 4:22 AM
2021-03-11 4:36 AM
If I will use UART/USART:
Thanks Paul