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Forum Posts

flash access through ART or not

Hello,I was looking to the docs about flash/ART accelerator, and it was saying access through ART is only if done through ITCM not through AXI, and ITCM access is through 0020 0000. The (default project) linker description (of STM32CubeIDE) only has ...

mete by Senior II
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Resolved! STM32G474 DMA Transfer Error and DAC underrun

Hi,I am trying to write a waveform table to the DAC peripheral using DMA and the TIM6 peripheral.TIM6 does appear to work as expected.I can also see the DMA getting triggered by means of TIM6_TRGO.But the DMA Transfer results in a Transfer Error, res...

Why is this happening to the I2S bus?

Hi guys, Finally started injected known data into the I2S bus and I am seeing indifferences on the line and was wondering if you guys can explain this to me if this is normal or not.Using the STM32H753ZIFigure 1:Sending: 0xFF FF (16 bits) DATLEN = 16...

0693W000006Em06QAC.png 0693W000006Em0kQAC.png 0693W000006Em0uQAC.png
CLeo.1 by Senior II
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