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Forum Posts

Does main() require an infinite loop?

This page says:"With a custom main() on Arduino, do not return from main(). As there is no operating system running on a standard Arduino, there is no where to return to. If you do return, abort() is called, then exit(). On the AVR-8 MCU ( Uno, Mega ...

The BOOM by Associate III
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Floating point error not working.

Dear ST Hello,I have a big problem with floating point calculations,I am trying to implement the IIR filter to filter a current but the result is Zero.Sometimes the watch expression window shows me 0 but the input filter is not zero. /* Get the HImax...

Tsemr.1 by Associate II
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Problem stm32f429 RTC initialization.

HiI use hal functions HAL_RTC_SetTime and HAL_RTC_SetDate for set date and time in RTS.After set date and time RTC works correctly.Problem appiars after reset.After reset time and date read by functions HAL_RTC_GetTime and HAL_RTC_GetDate don't corre...

Mmml.1 by Associate
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How to run HRTIM DMA to GPIO?

Hey Community,i am working on a parallel output interface. I want to realize it with GPIOE and all of the 16 Pins.To Generate an output i used TIM2 to trigger DMA1 so far so good. The Output is working with memory to peripheral. The DMA is copying th...

TSchi.3 by Associate
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