STM32H72x/H73x Hands-On Workshop: For seat reservation: I already have the board
For seat reservation: I already have the board attached please find invoice for purchase from Digikey
For seat reservation: I already have the board attached please find invoice for purchase from Digikey
Hello!Trying to launch SPI via DMA data transfer to LCD display. I has created "default" project via cube master.Created SPI2 for LCD display in 8bit Master Transfer Only mode.Added DMA1 Stream 0 to SPI2_TX Mem to Perif.In code I do:static uint8_t bu...
I have question about value of the TIM2_CH1 and TIM2_CH2 if they are not selected by any pin in AFR registers. Is there "default connection" or they are left floating or they are grounded?I need to know this as I cannot use these two inputs on any pi...
Hi,I created a new project using the GUI and after pressing the Build button, I always get below information on the Console window. The development board I'm using is STM32F407VET6 Black Board.20:47:42 **** Incremental Build of configuration Debug fo...
I'm having a very strange issue. I update an OLED screen using SPI DMA.The OLED itself is organized as 8 rows, 128bytes each.I use the DMA to send framebuffer chunks containing the data (128 bytes) for one row.When the callback is called, it checks i...
I want to keep 2 application files inside the flash and jump to either using a command. When using the STM32 cubeIDE for development, the .bin file is generated under debug folder. I couldn't find the .hex file though. I want to know what is the meta...
Hi,I’m using STM32L476VGT6 device with external flash memory in QPI mode. Everything works fine until I try to send a command byte with no address and no data. For example, when I try to send the command 0xF5 (exit QPI mode), on the logic analyzer I ...
I programmed the STM32L151RET6 to gives the RTC interrupt using line EXTI20. The system is waking-up from sleep mode at every second, it execute a small code and left the interrupt. For example:void RTC_IRQ_Handler(void){ // { my code here } // ...
Hello,I'm using cubeIDE for the whole setup and I'm trying to read a voltage from 2 different pins now when using:HAL_ADC_Start(&hadc1); HAL_ADC_PollForConversion(&hadc1, HAL_MAX_DELAY); ADCPin1Val = HAL_ADC_GetValue(&hadc1);where hadc1 pointer ref...