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Can't make SPI work via DMA. STM32H7xx HAL.

Hello!Trying to launch SPI via DMA data transfer to LCD display. I has created "default" project via cube master.Created SPI2 for LCD display in 8bit Master Transfer Only mode.Added DMA1 Stream 0 to SPI2_TX Mem to Perif.In code I do:static uint8_t bu...

Spider by Associate II
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Resolved! Getting Error 2 on building project

Hi,I created a new project using the GUI and after pressing the Build button, I always get below information on the Console window. The development board I'm using is STM32F407VET6 Black Board.20:47:42 **** Incremental Build of configuration Debug fo...

MVerm.2 by Associate III
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Weird issue in SPI HAL Transmit

I'm having a very strange issue. I update an OLED screen using SPI DMA.The OLED itself is organized as 8 rows, 128bytes each.I use the DMA to send framebuffer chunks containing the data (128 bytes) for one row.When the callback is called, it checks i...

Resolved! STM32L476VGT6 problem with sending commands in QPI mode

Hi,I’m using STM32L476VGT6 device with external flash memory in QPI mode. Everything works fine until I try to send a command byte with no address and no data. For example, when I try to send the command 0xF5 (exit QPI mode), on the logic analyzer I ...

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Webster by Associate
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ADC read from multiple pins? STM32F411

Hello,I'm using cubeIDE for the whole setup and I'm trying to read a voltage from 2 different pins now when using:HAL_ADC_Start(&hadc1); HAL_ADC_PollForConversion(&hadc1, HAL_MAX_DELAY);   ADCPin1Val = HAL_ADC_GetValue(&hadc1);where hadc1 pointer ref...

MLemo.1 by Associate III
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