I have working with STM32L083... Since now no problem observed but my last pcb has BOOT problem... Namely when I ACTIVATE BOOT signal STM enter to boot mode but when I relesed taster for boot signal MCU resume from boot mode... earlier version of pcb...
Hello, everyone.I am trying to figure out the HAL_ADC_Init issue after wake up from STOP mode. I am using the STOP mode in STM32L0x2 and build the project using CubeMX.At first, I have initialized ADC before main loop, then enter STOP mode. After wak...
Currently I implemented it using simple counteruint32 frameCount=0; ... halfcplt(); { frameCount++; ... } cplt(); { frameCount++ ... }and compare frameCount value to hardware timer value.I am in search of better solution without using hardware timer...
Hello,I am working on a STM32F723E-Disco,I am learning the use of timers and their functionalities.In particular, I try to use the output compare.What I'm trying to do is to use the output compare to turn on a LED when the output compare is triggered...
Set the APB2 timer to 180MHz to generate a 25MHz clock signal in output compare mode.And it tries to increase the decoder signal by 1 by counting every 513 rising edges.However, the decoder input signal is toggled on more than 513 signals.By changing...
The problem arises because by selecting both HCLK and HCLK/8 the SysTick is always initialized like this:SysTick->CTRL = SysTick_CTRL_CLKSOURCE_Msk | SysTick_CTRL_ENABLE_Msk;thus selecting HCLK as clock source in both cases.Maybe the correct code sh...
I'm working on a batch of prototypes using the STM32L031 series, but can't seem to wake up the device using the WKUP3 pin. Waking it up through WKUP1 goes without problems, but I also need WKUP3.In my stumble I've come across a few possible hints:In ...
Hi everyone,I'd like to be able to locate some functions in ITCM RAM instead of FLASH using section attributes. I have a Nucleo-H743ZI. I already have it semi-working in that this code works as expected and runs from ITCM_RAM (checked with gdb):stati...
Generally, a basic circuit design to generate a 4 to 20 milliamp current loop would use an op amp, FET and handful of resistors in addition to an input voltage or current which, in this case, would be the DAC. (please see attached) Can the interna...