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PWM using Timer with STM32F4

Dear ST,I am coming back to you to configure a PWM peripheral with STM32F429.I am familiar with TI DSP and I have to implement it with ST this time.Could you help me to configure TIMER1 for symmetrical PWM and trigger an interrupt to trig ADC. I ma u...

What is RCC_APB2Periph_AFIO clock signal?

Posted on March 20, 2012 at 06:20Hi. Could You help me to understand somethink. In STM32 like STM32F103c8... there is a clock signal called RCC_APB2Periph_AFIO. When should be turned on this signal, always when I use peripherial, like Timmer, AD, US...

sholojda by Associate III
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STM32G474 LSE oscillator not ready ?

Hi Folks,Greetings !With a Nucleo-G474RE MB1367C, with an onboard 32.768kHz crystal:I am trying to turn ON the LSE oscillator, but the LSE oscillator does not get RDY at all.This is what I tried to do:void SystemClock_Config(void) { LL_FLASH_SetLate...

Slow increasing voltage MCU (STM32H743) reset

Hi team,We are increasing the Input voltage 0.5 Volts/ Minute to Input of PMIC. PMI switches on after the Input voltage reaches 3.7 volts.After PMIC switches on it gives 3.3Volt Output but Controller is not getting reset.If we Power up instantly cont...

I want to generate 16 MHZ clock signal from Nucleo-F746ZG development board. I have used FastPWM library to generate 16 MHZ clock on PA_8 pin. But not able to see square wave on CRO. Can someone please help

#include "mbed.h" #include "FastPWM.h" FastPWM fastpwm(PA_8,1); int main() { fastpwm.period(5.25e-8 ); fastpwm.write(0.5); }This is my simple code to generate PWM in MHZ using FastPWM. When i check on CRO its showing frequency about 16 to 19 MHZ b...

Cjosh.1 by Associate II
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STM32H7 SPI DMA not working

Hello,When I use DMA with SPI it is not working.When I get a falling edge on DRDY this function gets called :void HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback(uint16_t GPIO_Pin) { if(GPIO_Pin == DRDY_ADC_Pin) { HAL_SPI_Receive_DMA(&hspi1, SPI1_RxBuffer, READBACK_LENGT...


Stm32f072 discovery board sd card size

I need what max size sd card i can connect to DIscovery Board containing Stm32f07d Controller over SPI?As am planning to take that reference in my design.And what is the solution to interface sd card of 8GB Size over SPI in Stm32f072 Controller?Also ...

RKade.1 by Associate III
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