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STM32F412: Changing CAN bus BAUD rate on the fly

I have configured CAN module 1 on the STM32F412 and it works fine when initialized with a certain BAUD rate (For example 500K). I have a GPIO input, which when toggled needs to changed the BAUD rate to 250K. The sequence I am following with STM32Cube...

kd_1zac by Associate
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STM32F412 - CAN bus disable filter configuration.

I got the CAN bus on the STM32F412 with STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.25.2 - up and running but I have noticed that the Initialization configuration requires the filter to be enabled and configured properly. If the filter is not configured and enabled, the CAN...

kd_1zac by Associate
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How to add option bytes in binary file .

Hello everyone,We are using STM32G070 on a prototype board which will be in production soon. My problem is that when the board comes from the subcontractor, we can't program the microcontroller from UART. We succeeded to program it from UART after us...

TKopp.67 by Associate II
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Resolved! I am using stm32l011K4U3 microcontroller on a custom made pcb. I am trying to use EXTI on PC14 pin (which is also oscillator input pin). The interrupt is triggering continuously even though there is no raising or falling edge on the pin.

I am unable to clear the EXTI pending register it always stays high and probably that is what is causing interrupt to trigger again and again. I am attaching snippets of code .Please Help me figure out the issue . #include "stm32l0xx.h" ...

PPULA.1 by Associate II
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How to change stepper motor direction using modbus

Hi, i am controlling my stepper motor by giving commands through modbus in stm32f103. I am able to drive motor in one direction . But i am not able to drive my motor in another direction by sending command through modbus. can anyone please help me...

Lchal.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! NUCLEO H743ZI GPIO port F unable to output voltage.

Hello,I am trying to get a simple GPIO toggle working with the NUCLEO H743ZI board. I noticed that when I try using the GPIO port F pins, even though the port registers are configured correctly and I can see the bit changing in the GPIOF_ODR register...

SGada.1 by Associate
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I use SPI in interrupt mode with HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_IT(). In SPI ISR, transmitting routine is invoked. But receiving routine is never be invoked.

I use STM32F407IGT6 as a SPI master.I use SPI in interrupt mode with HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_IT().  In ISR HAL_SPI_IRQHandler(), hspi->TxISR(hspi); is always executed while hspi->RxISR(hspi); is never executed.I traced down in HAL_SPI_IRQHandler().wh...

TBao.16 by Associate
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