Hello there,I'm working right now on a project, where I need to measure 6 different pulses at once. The main problem is, that I need to pulse length, not just the refresh rate. Because the traditional input capture method can only recognize a rising...
I have need to output from a Nucleo L476rg to pin PC13 of another Nucleo L476rg, (i.e., to. the B1 USER push-button)Reason for input to this pin (which is connected to the blue USER push-button) is simply that all of the second L476rg's other pins ar...
This is my code so far.I solved the clock frequency of 72MHz with an excel sheet and imported the file which got created, so that is working. My HSE Speed is 8 Mhz.Now i dont get how to mirror the System Clock onto the MCO output pin.This is what i t...
Hello,I am using NEO M8U as GPS sensor in our custom board.GPS data is has to be collected using UART6 of MCU(STM32F411VEH6). Signal names in schematics as (MCU_GNSS_UART_TX and MCU_GNSS_UART_RX).Code has been attached . I am unable to receive data. ...
Your microcontroller STM32 L562RET6 claims NIST SP800-90B conformity.Does this TRNG also fit the criteria of the functionality class PTG.2 in the document "A proposal for: Functionality classes for random number generators" [1]Is the TRNG also comfor...
Hi, I working with STM32F401RET6 64 pins Nucleo board with IAR.According to the datasheet DM00086815 Section 6.3.19 SDA and SCL rise time = 300ns.I open the project from “STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.25.0�? STM32F410xx-Nucleo\Examples\I2C\I2C_TwoBoards_ComPoll...
I'm using SPI communication for generating the sweep.But Unfortunately Im not able generate the sweep as desired and the PLL remains in the default state giving 9 gHz single tone frequency.please help me if any one has implemented the HMC based PLL ...
HI,I am looking for an easy way to be able to change the pin use destination of the micro while running. I give an example for a project that I have to do. On some pins of the micro brought to a connector I have an SPI peripheral, on this connector I...