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Forum Posts

Problem stm32f429 RTC initialization.

HiI use hal functions HAL_RTC_SetTime and HAL_RTC_SetDate for set date and time in RTS.After set date and time RTC works correctly.Problem appiars after reset.After reset time and date read by functions HAL_RTC_GetTime and HAL_RTC_GetDate don't corre...

Mmml.1 by Associate
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How to run HRTIM DMA to GPIO?

Hey Community,i am working on a parallel output interface. I want to realize it with GPIOE and all of the 16 Pins.To Generate an output i used TIM2 to trigger DMA1 so far so good. The Output is working with memory to peripheral. The DMA is copying th...

TSchi.3 by Associate
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Use Timer DMA burst to update *another* timer

Hi all!I have a use case that seems like it's not supported. I have one timer (TIM3) running PWM with multiple channels, I would like to use a DMA burst to update the duty cycles of all channels and I have successfully done this by triggering on the ...

JNiel.1 by Associate II
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Can i use GPIO pins in modbus.h and modbus.c?

Hi, i want to use GPIO pin in Modbus.h and Modbus.c file using stm32f103. But even if I mention header file in my Modbus.h the code is not working. it shows error.stm32f1xx_hal_gpio.h is the header file I included in Modbus.h. HAL _ GPIO _ Write Pi...

Lchal.1 by Associate III
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GDBserver and OpenOCD not getting installed

I want to try gdbserver and openOCD on CLI so as to compile and debug STM32 MCU Firmwares via CLI and to get an understanding of their work. But not able to get enough resources on the net for their installation as I am windows user and resources ava...

KGupt.1 by Associate III
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