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Forum Posts

Stm32F103c8t6 to 24c256 Interfacing

I am a newbie to stm32 need help in interfacing STM32F103c8t6 to an external Eeprom 24c256, cannot get any example code or library online. can any one help how to write and read data to eeprom?i have tried Hal_i2c_mem_transmint function but no luck

JShah.4 by Associate
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Need support for Matlab 2017b

I am using Matlab 2017b and trying to programme st controller (STM32f4) but facing issue with STM32 MAT/TARGET.I need STM32 MAT/TARGET version 4.3 or 4.4, but I am unable to download it from the website can you please help me. I have installed versio...

SChan.10 by Associate
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Resolved! STM32 and HC05 Bluetooth code

Hello guys good day. May I ask for your advise regarding the code to interface a slave bluetooth to STM32F103C8. I bought this HC05 module and connected to the UART lines of the MCU. Baud of communication set to 9600. I am trying to enable an LED con...

RSy.1 by Associate III
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