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Forum Posts

Resolved! MDMA transfer not working STM32H7xx

Hello,I've been trying to transfer some data from AXI-SRAM to DTCM via MDMA but it seems not functional.The transfer occurs the flag of end of transfer is set yet the data that I have in my DTCM isn't the orignal one contained in the AXI-SRAM.Also im...

SGuic.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! HardFaults at random places in code on an STM32F722

Hello,I am facing random HardFaults on a STM32F722. They happen at various places in code, sometimes even during stack's initialization.Stack's analysis do not show any risk of overflow : most of the time, the problem happens while executing main() l...

ABous.3 by Associate III
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How to use DMAMUX Synchronization ?

hi guys, i work on STM32 L4R5ZI without HAL functions.I use DMA for LPUART(for HMI) and SPI (for component) and I want synchronize these communication with DMAMUX. I see in the reference manual, some synchronization signals (EXTI, dmamux_evt,…), I wo...

Cclem.1 by Associate
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STSAFE hardware alternatives?

Anyone know of any alternative hardware solution(s) from other manufacturers that is equivalent or providing similar protection features as the STSAFA100DFSPL02? Namely STSAFE.Thanks.Ref to STSAFA100DFSPL02:

Mecanix by Senior
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Place Pictures data in external ram

Hello Dear Engineers and Developers,This one is an advance question for me, perhaps as easy as ABC for you.I want to put image data on the external ram. Either of Keil or Stm32cubeIDE compilers are acceptable. I know that I should change the linker s...