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Pin to pin STM32F030R8T6 and with bigger flash size?

Associate II

For our old product, we use STM32F030R8T6 chip, it only has 64K flash, but now, we add some new function on the product, so the flash size can not meet our requirement, we want more big size of flash, but we do not want to change our PCB board. Is there a chip which is pin to pin STM32F030R8T6 and flash size is 128K or bigger?


Review Data Sheet and pin list for STM32F030RCT6

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Thanks for your answer. But for STM32F030RC device, it has 4 pin different with R8 chip. Io pins replaced by supply pairs for STM32F030RC, and for these 4 pin, we already used as IO. If we change to this device, we also need to change our board. May be other chip can match my requirement?


CubeMX has a list pin compatible packages feature (Alt+L) to do this search for you. Nothing is fully compatible with a larger flash size and no pin/code changes.

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