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STM32H7A3: SPI not working if SCK disabled

I am trying to emit data on SPI MOSI without enabling the corresponding SCK pin. This is useful for instance to control WS2812-type LEDs.​However when I use `HAL_SPI_Transmit_IT` to transfer 3 words, the IRQ Handler gets called 3 times (triggered by ...

AGebr.2 by Associate
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ADC lines behavior when STM32 is not powered?

Hi!I'm using an ADC line of the STM32 MCU to read battery voltage that goes from 6.7V to 8.4V.The battery voltage is given to the MCU via a divider (by 4, so the maximum voltage given to the ADC line of the MCU will be 2.1V).I wanted to know, if ther...

YGehl.1 by Associate II
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Touch Key in STM32L1

Hello, We are currently working on touch sensing in STM32L1V8XA Microcontroller Below are the queries :1) How to get started with cap sense touch key in STM32L1V8XA Microcontroller. Do we need to use STMTouch touch-sensing library

JArot.1 by Associate
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Datasheat vs .stm32h745xx.h

I am trying to debug my USB and in the process I am going through all the registers defined in the datasheet vs stm32h745xx.h file and I see that in some cases the .h file has registers defined that is not in the datasheetGUSBCFG_CTXPKT : in .h but n...

LHoug.1 by Associate II
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