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I2C wakeup sequence for ATSHA204A

The crypto chip ATSHA204A needs a >60us low pulse on the I2C SDA line to wakeup. After that pulse the SDA should be high for at least 2.5ms. How must the I2C be configured to create the described pulse? The attached pictures shows a transfer with ad...

USART with DMA after stop2 mode not working.

Hi folks, I,m using STM32l4 MCU, I have configured USART3 with DMA1 with 1Mb/s baudrate. My concern is its worked fine if I don't put MCU in a Stop2 mode state. But if I put MCU in Stop2 mode state after waking up its not working. Here is the uart In...

ARehm by Associate III
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STM32G071RB download pin?

I am using STM32G071RB. It is fine to connect only swdio, swclk, and gnd for program download. Is it necessary to connect the reset line?

CByou.1 by Associate
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Resolved! STM32L0 ADC register

I am using STM32L073.When using this ADC, the EOC of the flag ADC_ISR for which AD conversion has been completed does not change unless the EOCIE of ADC_IER is it right.

HMura.6 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32L475 - STOP2 multiple wake up modes

I have the STM32L475 working in STOP2 wake up as WFE based on the RTC. I would now like to add in an external interrupt source (WFI). There doesn't appear to be a way to use both a WFI and a WFE as wake up. The only way I could see would be to have a...

PVall by Associate II
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STM32H745I_DISCO stuck at check VOSRDY bit

Hi All,When I try to boot the M7 core alone and I disabled the M4 core. I create a simple stm32Cube project, the code stuck at:while(!__HAL_PWR_GET_FLAG(PWR_FLAG_VOSRDY)) {}inside the SystemClock_Config() function. The VOSRDY will set only when I cha...

LWei.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! DMA2D_IRQHandler does not get called upon transfer complete

I have migrated code working fine on STM32F767 to STM32H7A3.The strange thing is DMA2D_IRQHandler does not get called upon memory-to-memory transfer complete. I call HAL_DMA2D_Start_IT() function, it returns no error, it does what it should, I can ev...

TDJ by Lead
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