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I am using an STM32f746zg and this is what I have been trying:HAL_FLASH_Unlock();CLEAR_BIT(FLASH->OPTCR, FLASH_OPTCR_IWDG_STDBY);HAL_FLASH_Lock();But it doesn't seem to actually modify the bit. What is the proper procedure to clear this bit in flash?...
Hey guys,As I said in the title, I am using SPI6 on my nucleo-f746zg board as a slave. I have it set up to interrupt when a GPIO is low and then it it tries to receive/transmit using the HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_IT function, but it seems to always int...
Hey guys,I am working on communicating to an ISM330DLC sensor using I2C and a TI processor as the master. We only have the accelerometer enabled (no gyro) and are using the FIFO to read the data. When the FIFO gets four pieces of data (2 x, 2 y, and ...
I am using an ISM330DLCTR IMU currently and have a FIFO running in continuous mode with an ODR of 6.66kHz. I was trying to get the accelerometer and gyroscope to both run at ODRs of 6.66kHz, but when I try this, most of the data is garbage. It seems ...