The question about Sleep mode
I want to let STM32L552CC into sleep mode.I add HAL_PWR_EnterSLEEPMode(PWR_MAINREGULATOR_ON, PWR_SLEEPENTRY_WFI);Build is OK,but when Debug ,the error appeared, Why?
I want to let STM32L552CC into sleep mode.I add HAL_PWR_EnterSLEEPMode(PWR_MAINREGULATOR_ON, PWR_SLEEPENTRY_WFI);Build is OK,but when Debug ,the error appeared, Why?
Hello, I will take place at the training at the 25th and own already the board.Thanks for providing this workshop!Best regards
My target is select more slaves in callback I2C RX , I have tryed withvoid HAL_I2C_MasterRxCpltCallback(I2C_HandleTypeDef *hi2c){ if (hi2c1.Instance->CR2 & I2C_CR2_SADD == I2C_ADDRESS) {.....}}but don't work !!When I try to use the field in static ...
Hello dear ST-Community,I'm currently working on a 8-Bit interface for a TFT-Display. I'm using a STM32F405RGT6 for the Project.While debugging a timing issue i ran into, I found an interesting behavior when using __asm__ __volatile__("nop") for ns-s...
Hello,Is it possible to realize bidirectional communication using one data line (SDA signal) in the figure by using the SPI function of STM32F746 to perform half-duplex communication (a method of controlling and switching the RXONLY bit)?Like exsam...
Hello, i have written the following code for interrupt delay based on timer as shown in the attached fileBut Keil shows the error bellow on the line.Why it gives me such error,how do i manually enable the IRQ of TIM6?Thanks, NVIC_EnableIRQ(TIM6_IRQ...
Hi, I have the board and not received any confirmation (teams invitation) or confirmation, just the initial email. I have emailed from the company email account but have gotten no response. I tried to book again however your sys...
Hi Team,I want to retain a value of variable after software reset i tried __no_init but variable was resetting to zeroIs there any way i can write into Flash during runtime and fetch it back after resetThanks,Krupashankar
I am using STM32F030F4P6. VREFINT is supposed to be calibrated at 3.3v +/- 10mV and 30 degrees C. In my application the VREFINT calibration value is 1543 meaning the reference voltage is 1.243V (3.3/4096*1543) this is on the high end of the spectru...
I'm getting above error both of the two STM32H735G discovery boards that I have. On both boards ST-Link worked fine for some time until I unplugged the ST-Link USB connection while the MCU was stopped at a breakpoint. Afterwards it seems impossible t...